OUR METHODUsing our proven methods, we quickly put you on the road to jiu jitsu success. Our training system is unlike any other and allows you to progress through a rigorous program that enables you to achieve amazing results. Our system is based upon three central principles: technique (specific details, defenses, counter attacks), progression (ordering and layering of techniques), mental game(training approach and strategy). TECHNIQUESEach technique is presented is a logical fashion, with step by step instructions clearly outlined. Multiple camera angles of each technique are shown, and select techniques have a high quality print option. Each move can be bookmarked for later reference and includes quick links to related techniques and counters. CURRICULUMThe program is set up for schools to receive weekly lesson plans covering groups of techniques and topics in a series. The video is extremely detailed and the accompanying text description describes all of the finer points that are needed for mastery. Both schools and students can take advantage of our proven approach to structured curriculum. The techniques are presented in a natural progression, allowing faster learning. Techniques span the range of BJJ and include gi, no-gi, and self defense. Click the images below to enlarge. SUBSCRIPTIONSCompare the subscription plans below to see which will fit your needs best. SAMPLE VIDEOSSelect one of the options on the left to see a sample technique video. Notice the highly detailed level of instruction, high quality video with multiple camera angles, and description of the technique. This is truly a one stop resource for BJJ knowledge, taught by a proven expert with all the details you need to master a move. TESTIMONIALSHear what others have to say about Draculino's system. Read the thoughts of: JOIN THE TEAMReady to get started? Just sign up and join us today! |